Is it just me, or does it seem that the holidays have become more about Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals than about building family traditions and taking care of our communities?
That’s why #GivingTuesday is one of my favorite days of the year! Giving Tuesday reminds us, after a week of eating, shopping, and indulging, that we have a responsibility to make the world a better place.
I’ve had the opportunity to work with a variety of nonprofit organizations throughout the years, and every single one of them is doing phenomenal work.
If you’re looking for a place to donate this Giving Tuesday, here are four organizations that I hold close to my heart.
Helping Up Mission
Helping Up Mission provides hope to people experiencing homelessness, poverty or addiction by meeting their physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.
I grew up volunteering at this shelter in my hometown of Baltimore. Will Smith is even a big fan of Helping Up Mission! The work they do is phenomenal, and supporting them is an easy decision.
Donations to Helping Up Mission provide food and a number of other resources to those experiencing homelessness.
World Vision
World Vision helps equip kids and families to thrive with reliable access to basics like clean water, nutrition, healthcare, and education.
There are a number of ways to contribute to World Vision. My personal favorite is the gift catalog. You can give goats, ducks, school supplies, soccer balls, and so much more to people in need.
BONUS: You can also give a gift in honor of someone you love and personalize a card to give them on Christmas, which I’ve done for my family for years!
House of Ruth
House of Ruth Maryland is one of the nation’s leading intimate partner violence centers, helping thousands of battered women and their children find the safety and security that so many of us take for granted.
The pandemic is problematic on its own, but when couples with stay-at-home-orders, it can be especially life-threatening for women who are victims of domestic abuse. In fact, The New York Times reported that domestic-violence-related calls in Chicago alone increased 12% through mid-April.
A donation to House of Ruth helps with intervention, housing, and supplying everyday items for women and children leaving toxic and unsafe living environments.
The United Nations Foundation
UNF supports UN agencies and partners who are working to ensure progress around the globe. They work on issues like vaccinations, malaria prevention, gender equality, climate, and so much more.
Especially during this pandemic, we’ve learned that all these elements of healthcare tie together — and that pandemics don’t know borders.
Global health is not just “over there” somewhere far away like Africa, Asia, or Europe — investing in global health is investing in the health of everyone.
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