Facebook Audience Vs. Instagram Audience

Cohesiveness among social media platforms is key for brand establishment and recognition. However, effective use of social media content can look very different from one platform to the next — which is why it’s critical to know the difference between your Facebook audience and your Instagram audience.

Understanding who is most likely to view and interact with your content will lead to the greatest marketing success using social media.  Who is viewing your content on Facebook vs. Instagram may actually be a bit more different than you think.

Keep reading to understand the differences between the Facebook and Instagram Audiences and how-to best tailor your content to each!


Identifying your audience is a key first step when creating content. The base layer of that identification includes age, gender, and interests. These core factors however can differ from platform to platform. So, what really is the difference between the Facebook and Instagram audiences?

First, the age of users is different. Instagram users tend to be younger than the Facebook audience.  The percentage of people who use Instagram in younger age groups is significantly higher than for older groups. Instagram usage drops by 1/3 when comparing usage by people 18-29 years old and 30-49 years old. It drops an additional 50% when comparing groups aged 30-49 and 50-64.

Facebook usage however remains fairly steady until around age 65. So, if you are choosing between one platform or the other, and your audience falls into a specific age category this is very important to consider.

Looking at our second key point, gender, both Facebook and Instagram have more users who identify as female than male. So, when comparing the two platforms gender does not have a large impact on what will be more effective

Third, we consider interests specifically, the content the users are interested in viewing on the different platforms. We have found that Instagram users prefer eye catching blurbs or visuals as well as content that fits a visually pleasing aesthetic. Fun graphics and unique pictures will have the most clout for your Instagram audience. 


On the other hand, Facebook content has the opportunity to be a bit more informational. We don’t recommend full length blog posts as captions, but accessible bulleted lists will help provide information to an audience who wants more than a photo. To learn more about what we do and don’t recommend for reaching your Facebook audience, check out our Dos and Don’ts of Facebook.

The final point that shows the difference between users is level of engagement. While this can vary from account to account, Instagram users tend to be more consistent likers making them more likely to engage with your content. 

An article from the journal Computers in Human Behavior reported that individuals who prefer Instagram are more likely to share personal information than users who chose Facebook as their preferred platform.

Are you looking for responses to a post? Or are you simply looking to get your message out? If you are looking for a response maybe try an Instagram poll. If you want to provide details on an upcoming event maybe try a longer form Facebook status.

Identifying your audience may seem like a daunting task, but it really comes down to key demographics about your current and prospective customers. Understanding your audience then allows you to take your social media game a step further by using each platform to best adapt content for the audience it will reach.  

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  1. […] work involves creating content calendars, developing social media strategies for clients, generating content, and posting accordingly. But let’s be real, keeping track of it […]

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